Test Page

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Font size medium 16px 1em

“By default, WordPress shows your most recent posts on the front page of your site. But many WordPress users want to have a static front page or splash page as the front page instead. This “static front page” look is common for those who wish to not have a “blog” look to their site, giving it a more CMS (content management system) feel.”


Font size large 18px 1.05em
“By default, WordPress shows your most recent posts on the front page of your site. But many WordPress users want to have a static front page or splash page as the front page instead. This “static front page” look is common for those who wish to not have a “blog” look to their site, giving it a more CMS (content management system) feel.”

Font size x-large 24px 1.5em

“By default, WordPress shows your most recent posts on the front page of your site. But many WordPress users want to have a static front page or splash page as the front page instead. This “static front page” look is common for those who wish to not have a “blog” look to their site, giving it a more CMS (content management system) feel.”


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– font size: 0.82em

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– font size: 1.0em

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– font size: 1.13em

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– font size: 1.5em

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– font size: 2em

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– font size: 3em