Gift to all Cornish secondary schools


Carrie, Peter and Jimmy with the book about Humanism

Cornwall Humanists decided to send out the book ’What is Humanism?’ by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young to all 57 secondary schools and colleges in Cornwall as a gift for their librairies, enclosing a label to be glued into them by the librarians.
The photo shows Carrie Langford, Peter Wood and Jimmy Jackson with the book at their monthly meeting on the first Sunday of the month, 11o’clock,  at Truro Arts Cafe, which people are welcome to atttend.
‘The Edge of the World Bookshop’ in Penzance has kindly taken this order.
Member Mary Fletcher said, ‘Young people need to know that it’s perfectly possible to lead an ethical life, aiming to improve conditions for everyone, without religion. Humanism provides an organisation to promote  this.’